Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ice Skating

For scouts this week, Blake & Ryan's pack went ice skating. None of my boys have ever been before. I thought it would be tough to have them all there, needing me to hold them up but boy was I wrong! Shame on me for having no faith! Once they hit the ice they took off!! I was so impressed. They had a blast and I had fun watching them. I also got to skate a little and try to remember some of my old moves from lessons I took about 28 years ago. (wow.. I'm getting old!)


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Ron & Charlene Hansen said...

What FUN!!! Believe or not Nana use to ice skate when I was around age 9 till age 14 years. I loved it. In our back yard, ever winter there was an area that would freeze over and my friends and I could ice skate in my back yard! Fond memories. You all did a good job for your first time ice skating. xoxo Nana H.

Helen said...

Are you skating backwards while recording?! You rock. We're going ice skating with YM/YW soon. I'm secretly hoping i'm sick that day. hehe

Kate said...

That was fun to see you at the rink! Nice vid!