Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gone Riding!

The couple days before Christmas we made a last minute decision to head out to the desert for some riding fun! We had a lot of fun, mixed in with a little drama. The first night was freezing cold, about 20 degrees outside, and we realized at bedtime that the converter box was broken, which is necessary to run the heater in the motorhome. Brrrr!!! At 2am, the Carbon Monoxide alarm went off because of our alternate forms of trying to heat up the motorhome. The next morning Alli's thumb got smashed in the door (the hinge side) and looks like the nail will fall off, and I'm still hoping it's not broken. Despite the cold and drama, the trip was worth it.

We left the desert Christmas Eve morning to head off to our family's homes in Riverside to enjoy Christmas with them. That's a different post. Here is some of our fun in the desert:

Darren catches air:

The girls:

Alli's protectors:

Daddy's girl:


A place all to ourselves:


Ron & Charlene Hansen said...

Your children will always remember the memories you have created with them. How fun you could just spend some alone time together to unwind prior to Christmas. Thanks for coming by on Christmas Eve, so fun to see everyone, wish Aron, Patty , boys, Amy, Matt and girls could have joined with us. Love you all. Mom and Dad H.

Helen said...

I hope we can be cool parents like you guys someday. So awesome. And love that picture of Ali, she's beautiful.

Kate said...

Cool shot of Darren! I'll have to show Luke! Great trip, great shots!