Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baseball Season


I love that my boys play baseball... but I also love when the season comes to an end! With all 3 playing, our schedules get pretty hectic during spring. Still, it's been a fantastic season and I don't mind the sacrifices. The boys had great coaches and had a blast! I love watching them learn and grow more each year. One of the highlights for Darren was being able to pitch in a couple games, something he's never done before. Blake & Ryan were on the Coach Pitch Tigers, and Darren was AA Dodgers. GO TEAM!!
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Maggie said...

There is something about seeing boys in baseball uniforms that makes them seem so grown up. Cute pictures (as usual). Good job guys!

Heather said...

I love it when the kids play on teams, but it does get a little hectic doesn't it?! I guess that's what we're there for a s parents - to make their childhood great!

Kate said...

You are a truly amazing mom for all your sacrifices to give your boys those baseball seasons and experiences. It's so great that they really appreciate all your efforts. I missed seeing Luke play this season. They'll have the best sporting memories.