Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's around here was pretty low key. Jason had to work on Valentine's so he wanted to take me out the night before. I wasn't feeling well due to a persisting tooth ache, but my sweetheart didn't want the holiday to get by without a celebration! I appreciate that! I appreciate that he loves me and wants to take me out and have an evening away! We went to dinner at Wood Ranch (always a good choice) and a movie.

On Valentine's day, the twins had baseball practice. I left Darren home while I took the boys. When I got back there was a vase on the counter with a few roses from our garden (the garden is sparse right now due to weather). There was a homemade card from my son also, expressing his love for me and desire to have presented me with something more than the few shabby flowers from our garden. I couldn't love that sweetie any more! They were the most BEAUTIFUL and THOUGHTFUL flowers I had ever received! Including the floral shop delivery from my Dad, earlier that day. I really appreciated having Darren take it upon himself to surprise me and show me affection and appreciation by this thoughtful actions. What a simple, happy day I had! I sure felt loved by my dear family!

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rebecca said...

What a sweetheart. I LOVE the relationship you have with Darren. It just seems like you've got each other's backs, for lack of a better word. I hope that makes sense.

Jill said...

Sweet boy!

Beccarigg said...

Those thoughtful simple gifts are the ones that mean the most aren't they? What a sweetheart!

Brigette Little said...

Those flowers are so sweet! Aren't little boys wonderful?

Maggie said...

That makes me teary eyed. What a cute boy! So nice that he would do that for you.

Emily said...

Darren is a sweatheart!!! I know he will always be there for his mommy no matter what.

Heather said...

Gifts like that are truly the best! It means so much when your children do thinks like that all on their own!