Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Is there anything as good as the smell of fresh, homemade bread? Here is a picture of one of the loaves I made with my friend, Tracey, yesterday.

She makes 16 loaves of bread every Monday. Her little family of 6 surely doesn't eat that much bread in a week! She freezes some to last her family for the week, and then gives much of it away to friends, neighbors, whoever may stop by, etc. (I'm going to stop by more often!!)

Anyway, after being the recipient of a couple of her loaves recently, I begged her to give me her recipe. She said she'd rather have me come over and she'd show me how. So yesterday morning we made 16 loaves of bread together while many little children ran around at our feet. It was so much fun and so easy! I can't wait to start making my own! My kids all loved it and I know it's more healthy than what I buy at the store, not to mention less expensive. I've made bread before, but never this good and simple. I feel like a successful homemaker today! Now to go finish the laundry, dishes, dusting, bathrooms, etc to complete my roll. :-)


Helen said...

AHHH! Her bread is AMAZING! So...we received a loaf last night, sounds like I should say thanks to you as well! Thanks for making that, we seriously savor every bite! :)

Heather said...

Love all the new posts Nicole! I would love to know how to make bread. We may have to plan a joint trip to Maggie's so you can teach me:)

Brigette Little said...
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Brigette Little said...

Beautiful bread! Makes me want to bake some. I laughed when I saw your list of other things that need to get done. I know that feeling! We just got our power back after 2 weeks of no electricity from the hurricane. I can't believe how dirty my house is! Just imagine - 4 boys using the bathroom in the dark. Enough said.

AmyJune said...

If you start making 16 loaves, can I have some too?

Maggie said...

Oohh, I like Heather's idea. A joint trip to my house for bread baking and fun!! If not I will have to come to you and have you teach me. :-) I aspire to be a better homemaker!

Laura said...

Nothing better than homemade bread! But here's my hidden shame...I can make the bread, but I can't cut it straight to save my life. My kids won't take sandwiches on my bread because the pieces are all uneven and who wants to eat a PB&J on a piece that is thick on one side and thin on the other? I think I am brain damaged.

rebecca said...

SIXTEEN? Ok, I'm feeling like a slacker. I have Laura's problem. Does Tracey have a secret I wonder?

Beccarigg said...

YUM!! I want to come learn to make bread! I swear I can smell that through my computer screen right now and I want some! : )