Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lowe's Workshop

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This morning I remembered that Lowe's was having a Sat. morning workshop for kids. I know they do this a couple times a month, but I usually don't remember. For some reason I did today. It was really fun for the boys. They love this kind of stuff. They got to make pirate ships. We'll paint them later today after their chores are done. Alli was good to just watch and plug her ears to all the noise of many kids hammering.
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Maggie said...

How fun. I never think to take my kids to that. You'd think after the cool things they made with Lowes at Day Camp, that I would think of it but no. You are so good to take them there.

Melissa C. said...

You are such a fun mom!

Beccarigg said...

What a great Saturday morning activity! That cracks me up that Alli just watched with her ears plugged. That is TOTALLY what Teya would've done! She can't stand anything loud and is constantly covering her ears! (espcially when baby sister is crying :)

rebecca said...

Very very cool! Looks like an awesome project. We'll have to check it out one of these Saturdays (once they are not soccer Saturdays anymore!) Love the pic of Alli covering her ears. He he.

Helen said...


Kate said...

You always know about the cool stuff going on for kids, and then you actually take your kids to go them! Kudos to Mom!

Emily said...

You are the best mom around. Those kids are so lucky to have you!!! I can't wait till Daylen gets older to take him to do stuff like that, he would love it. We miss you guys!!

AmyJune said...

I had no idea Lowe's did this.

Nicole said...

FYI -if you're a first-timer, they give the kids an apron and goggles too. Home Depot does the same thing on certain Saturdays and it's all free!