Sunday, July 12, 2009

Camp Fiesta Island

Darren was so excited to go to Scout Camp with his troop 706. It was in San Diego at Fiesta Island. They had a great set up and he was able to earn 8 merit badges! He really loves scouting and truly enjoyed his week here. It was even more fun that his Dad was able to be with him for the week!

One of his merit badges was motorboating! He loved it!

Another merit badge earned was canoeing. How cool!

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One Wednesday, they had a free day to do whatever they wanted. The group picked going to the USS Midway for a tour. Darren was in heaven! Another fun thing they were able to do was canoe out into the water at night and watch the fireworks from SeaWorld.


Brigette Little said...

How fun! Cam is loving scouting, too.

Emily said...

How fun!!! I didn't know scouting was that fun...Darren will always remember his Dad being there with him.

Helen said...

Awesome! And how cool that Jason returned with all of those pictures! Fun memories!

Laura said...

I sure am thankful for your hubby taking my kid to camp! Glad he and Darren had a fun time. :o)