Friday, July 10, 2009



Alli turned 3 today! Happy Birthday baby girl!
Daddy & Darren are out of town so we're having her birthday celebration tomorrow. But we didn't want the day to go by without some kind of hoopla! So Grammy & I took her to Build-a-Bear for her very first time. Boy did she have a blast, and boy did her Grammy spoil her! (Sorry for the obnoxious color in the pictures but that's just the way the store is! Obnoxious!)

Allison came away with a black dog named Fluffy and a brown bear named Cinnamon, or as Alli says, "Cimmanon." CUTE! We let Alli pick from all the animals (after all, it is HER birthday) and she really wanted the dog. Grammy kept trying to get her to choose a bear because the outfits work better on the bears. So to appease Grammy and Alli, she got both! And accessories for each.

We had so much fun watching her go all through the store. First she got to pick a sound and kiss a heart to add to the stuffing in her bear. The girl gave Alli a sticker to wear announcing her as the birthday girl. Then she told Allison to take her animals over to the "bathtub" to clean them. Allison promptly asked, "do you have towels?" I thought that was pretty clever of her. The bathtub is actually a place where you brush the animals and blow air on them. No real water. But Alli didn't know that. She just wanted to make sure her new animals weren't going to stay wet. After that she had to name them. Now this was tough. We through a lot of ideas at her but I could tell she just wasn't into it. Although, she definitely had an opinion of what she did NOT like. She would say, "NO... her name isn't Molly." and so on. She also chose some cute outfits and accessories and I was surprised at how much she loved this. It was absolutely adorable to watch her through this process and see her joy! Happy Birthday sweet Princess! After our shopping we grabbed dinner and ice cream to finish her special day. (If you want to see her happy face more clearly, just click on the photos to zoom in)
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Monica said...

She looks like she is in heaven with those smiles. The boys look so brotherly in the pics, too. Love it!

Jill said...

So cute! We've done the build a bear thing with Brownies and Livie loved it too.