Friday, November 7, 2008

First Haircut


Allison finally got her first hair cut. It's taken me quite some time, because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with her scraggly hair! Bangs? No Bangs? Layers? Long? Aahhh! It's bad enough being clueless about my own hair, now I have to worry about hers too! I guess I wasn't feeling very brave that day (and neither was she... tears the whole time) because she just got a basic trim. It looks much better having some structure to it now. But I'm still debating on a daily basis as to whether or not I should cut her some bangs! Oh... what to do!
Thanks to my friend Mandy for giving Allison her quick trim! You're a doll!
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rebecca said...

No bangs! I have the same debate with Madeline. Her hair is such a mess and always in her face, and she rarely keeps a clip in it. But bangs wouldn't actually solve the problem, unless they were cut from way back on her head. And then then we'd have to grow those out . . .

Anyway, Allison looks super cute, as usual. Mandy is my fav hair stylist as well.

Beccarigg said...

I would vote no bangs too, just because I think bangs are higher maintenance, and I'll always resented my mom giving me bangs when I was a kid : )

I wish Mandy could give Teya her first haircut. She still hasn't had one and she is a sgraggly mess! I would love to cut it short but as Mandy can tell you, Taber thinks that all the women in his life should have long hair!

Melissa C. said...

Well, you know that I gave in on the bangs, and I'm glad I did. I hated it when Emma's hair was in her face all the time, and the bangs make it so much better! They do require more maintenance (I get them trimmed about once a month - because I don't like them to be cut too short, that means I have to get them trimmed more often - but it's only $5, so it's not a big deal to me).

Anyway, Allison looks adorable sitting in that chair! I love it!

Jill said...

I like bangs on little girls. Too cute! Besides bangs are "in" right now!