Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our Graduate!

June 13th, 2008.
This is the last day of school as I'm dropping the boys off. This is also the very last time they will all attend the same school together... sniff.. sniff. I had to commemorate this event with a photo of these 3 unwilling participants. They wouldn't pose for a picture or even slow their walk for Mom to get sentimental and crazy with the camera. Little stinkers. Even still, this picture says it all.


Darren has had many accomplishments lately, but this one I'm super proud of! He graduated 5th grade and goes into Jr. High next year! He was one of the top in his class with straight A's and on the GOLD Honor Roll! He is a good student and I hope he continues to love learning. You've worked really hard this year.... Great job Darren!
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Maggie said...

This just makes me feel sooooo old. Where has time gone. It was just yesterday that our little two year olds were running around together. How did this happen that they are growing into young men. Junior High???What is that about? Congrats Darren! We know you'll be awesome in J.H.

Emily said...

Congrats for Darren, but he can't go into Junior High yet. He is not old enough yet or maybe I am just getting old. We love you Darren!

The Hoggan Family said...

I can't believe our "little/big" ones are going to middle school! Our school didn't even do anything exciting to commemerate it! He looks soooooooo handsome in his blue shirt! Way to go on the great awesome grades!

Ron & Charlene Hansen said...

To our oldest Grandson Darren...Congratulations, way to go buddy, straight "A's", we are so proud of you as are your parents. Jr. High, set the standard Dar, be the one that everyone looks up and admires, most important stay true to what your parents have taught you so far. We love you so much. Papa and Nana xoxox

Melissa C. said...

Congrats Darren!

I SERIOUSLY can't believe he's going to Junior High next year! CRAZY! I love the picture of the three of them. Much better than a posed one, if you ask me! :)