Sunday, April 25, 2010


When your 3-year old finally learns how to pump a swing by herself, it means FREEDOM for mom! Woo-hoo!!! I am soooo excited that Allison finally did this! She's been on the verge for a while, but I could tell she was holding back. But left to her own devices in the back yard today, I glanced out the window and saw her doing it! Hallelujah!


Emily said...

Go Allison!!! I still can't get Daylen to do this!

Maggie said...

Now remember, Spencer is spending the night, and he is 3 years old, so when I pick him up tomorrow I will want to see him swinging. ha ha ha

rebecca said...

Yay, Alli! Yay, Nicole! That's pretty much the best day. Right up there with the day they go to nursery.

Madeline loves loves loves to swing. She swings for like 30 minutes at a time. I love it too.

One more to go . . .

Beccarigg said...

So jealous! I need to get Teya on that, she's 4 and still can't do it! This inspires me to keep encouraging her, I'm sure she's close!