Monday, June 9, 2008

Emergency Room Visit

I've always been surprised (and extremely glad) that we have not been to the E.R. more often than we have, considering we have 3 active boys! We've only been twice! So Jason was a bit baffled last night when he spent 4+ hours in the E.R. with his little GIRL!

Here's what happened: Alli was in the backyard while Daddy watered the grass and Mommy was inside making dinner. I heard her cry and looked out the kitchen window to see blood streaming down her face, starting from her eye area. (That is not a pleasant sight for any parent to see) The dog was standing right next to her, so I screamed for Jason. At first I thought the dog got a little excited and jumped on her which scratched her face. Luckily, that's not what happened. She fell and hit her head on the iron bench which happened to be next to the dog. Anyway, Jason quickly tended to her wound and assesed that it needed stitches.

She did pretty good during it all. She's in a stage right now of loving to put Band-aids on all the time, so that's all she kept saying... "Ouchie.. Band-aid!" The bleeding stopped and she settled down. Jay took her to the ER. He could tell she was a little uncomfortable, but she did good. When they finally were taken back to a room, she said things like "Daddy.. I no like it. I want to go to the other room. I want to go over there." She knew something was up and wanted out of there. Once she got the novacaine shot, things were a little better. She came home in a good mood, and has been her happy self today. She's a little black & blue on her eyelid. I'm thankful it wasn't worse and she has bounced back well. I'm thankful for her Daddy's experience in such matters and his love and care for her. Hopefully, it will be a long time before the ER sees us again!

Here are updated pictures taken Tues. after the doctor took her steri strips off.
Eewww! My poor baby! If you click on the pictures, you can see it up close (if you want to)


Kate said...

She looks SO happy! Just a testament to how resilient kids are. Now she'll have a good battle wound story to tell. Glad for you both that she's back home toddling around with her Mommy.

Maggie said...

She is just so adorable!!! I'm glad that she made it through the experience so bravely. Can't wait to see you - less than a week to go!! YAAAYYYAAYYYY!!!

Melissa C. said...

Poor thing! I'm just waiting for it to happen to Emma. So far our kids have had no broken bones or stitches, but I really think Emma will be the one! That reminds me, I think I need to blog about an injury Emma got about a week and a half ago...

Beccarigg said...

Oh poor little girl! That's definitely not a fun thing to look out your window and see a bleeding child! I'm so glad she's all stitched up and feeling better! What a brave little girl!

p.s. She is getting so big and is seriously the cutest thing ever! Love her pigtails!

nikki said...

OUCH! I'm glad Jason was there and she's all right, she's cut as a button stitches and all!

Emily said...

She looks like nothing has happened. I am just dreading the day we have to take Daylen...oh my! See ya this weekend..

Maggie said...

I Love the new background! Cute purple!

Melissa C. said...

Cute new background. :)

Kari said...

I love the happy smile. Yes, this has got to be the worse. I haven't had accidents in where I need to take my kids to the ER and I don't want to. EVER. Cause I know I would have to do it alone.
btw... I have a huge coke habbit. It's bad. It started when I was pregnant with Jackson, and still going. I get the Dr. Pepper. Good luck with that! I got nothing to help you with that.

Nicole said...

Kari - thanks for commenting, but what are you talking about w/ the coke & dr. pepper? You lost me there.

Stacie said...

Oh my goodness, what a cutie!. I guess I never noticed he beautiful brown eyes before. We've had our share of broken bones, but never stitches. It always amazes me how resilient little kids are. The ER stinks. Have you heard about the after hours pediatrics place in TO. They are open until 11 on weeknights and 12-8 on Sat and Sun.

Nicole said...

Yeah, Stacie. I called my peds office while Jason was at the ER. He was about to leave because he knew it would take FOREVER! She told me about that place so I called - the dr. there said because of her age and the location of the would, he would have sent her over to the ER anyway. Plus, they only take PPO or cash. We have HMO. It's $150 just to walk in the door.

Helen said...

Poor girl! I don't know why I looked at the stitches close made me all queasy and tingley.

I'm glad it wasn't anything worse....she looks adorable as always

The Hoggan Family said...

Awwwww, You are lucky to have Jason around...I would have been FREAKING out!!!! She still is darling and I didn't know that you could click on a picture to make it bigger. See the things I learn from you!

amy jensen said...

I can totally relate when it happens to your GIRL! Macie needs tubes next week and I was going to have Rob stay with the boys. In response he says "I'm going, too. There is a special bond between a daddy and his daughter." Her head "owie" also reminds me of when Ethan did something similar and I called Jason to come look. At least he knew she needed stitches and the wait was warranted! She looks unphased and adorable as ever!