Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School - 2009

Here are my handsome boys - on their way to start the new school year. Blake & Ryan started 3rd grade and Darren in 7th. Wow!! Alli started a mommy&me preschool that same morning, but my camera was full after this shot and I didn't get one of her. Oops! Bad mommy!
Once I got Blake & Ryan dropped off, then Darren, then got to Allison's school, I called Jason at work to notify him that we all got to our destinations safely! I was grateful to have no drama like last year! Whew!


Jill said...

I was thinking about your accident the other day and how lucky you all were that you weren't hurt. Too bad--no picture of cutie pie, Alli.

CinnaPatty said...

Hey, you finally caught up a bit with blogging. You've had a busy summer, girl! Don't you love how you can post date and even pre date blogs? I do!!!!!

Brigette Little said...

So glad it went smoothly! Loved your vacation pics. We had a motorhome growing up and those are some of my best childhood memories.

Helen said...

Glad everybody is safe! I can't believe it's already been a year.