Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cub Scouts

When Blake & Ryan turned 8 this month, it allowed them the opportunity to join Cub Scouts! They are so excited because they have watched Darren the past few years and are very eager to participate in activities they've watched him do all this time.

Their first week they got to go on a field trip to the Chumash Indian Museum with their den. Here are a couple pics of the event. We hiked to a cave that still had cool pictographs. It was lots of fun!


Then they had their first Pack Night were they were inducted as Bobcats. They had to 'bob' for cats in a bucket of water while everyone cheered them on.
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They are also very eager for Cub Day Camp coming up in June!
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rebecca said...

Cub Scouts actually looks like a lot of fun. That cave is awesome and so is their guide!

Love the bobbing for cats! He he.

I semi-dread the day Matthew turns 8 and joins Scouts (isn't that a terrible attitude?) but I think I will embrace it when the day comes. I still have 2.75 years to prepare. :)

CinnaPatty said...

Ah the joys of cub scouts. Luckily we missed out on day camp this year. HA!