Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pinewood Derby 2008

Pinewood Derby is always a good time! It's so fun to see the different cars the kids (and Dads) have designed. This is Darren's last Pinewood Derby as he will become a Boy Scout soon. He was really striving to win a trophy this year, but missed it by one! He took 4th place overall. Each year he has placed higher and we were really proud of him. He designed and cut the car himself. Daddy helped him on the tough corners and helped him sand and paint and put on the final touches. They had a few rough patches when axles broke the night before weigh in, but it all worked out okay in the end. (April 24, 2008)


Melissa C. said...

I'm dreading when Isaac is in Scouts and has to participate in the Pinewood Derby. David hates that kind of stuff, so it's gonna be heck to get him to help Isaac with it. I'm glad your "boys" have a good time with it!

Emily said...

Look at Darren's hair. Is it always that naturally puffy or does his hair gel do that. Too funny! I can't wait till Daylen does cub scouts.

Maggie said...

Go Darren! We love pinewood derby at our house (good thing since we have four boys). It looks like you had a great last pinewood.

Nicole said...

Darren's hair is fluffy at the end of the day when the gel wears off. It's even worse than usual here because he's in desperate need of a haircut. He finally got one this week... WAY overdue. B & R got buzzed again for summer. They're all stylin' now!

Heather said...

Great job making the car yourself! After being through our first derby I know it is no easy feat! Just be happy you didn't end up dead last!