Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pinewood Derby 2010!

Blake & Ryan are finally at the age to join in the long anticipated Pinewood Derby! After watching their big brother have a go at it, they were quite eager to finally participate. Their leaders made it known that the MAIN criteria for this years derby would be creativity. It wasn't about speed. Really? Well, they took it to heart and got creative. I am grateful their den leader set up an appt. for the den to go to the Berg's to cut their designs.

Blake instantly decided he wanted to do a skateboard. He designed the "color burst" design on the deck and painted it (with a little touch-up work done by Mom). He was so proud of his board! It weighed in at exactly 5.0 ounces, with MANY weights hiding under the grip tape.

Ryan had a tougher time figuring out his idea. For HOURS we kept at it, giving him many suggestions. Nothing struck his fancy. Finally while being pressured to just make a decision, and in his frustration he blurted out, "WHAT?? Am I just supposed to do a Wii game or something?" This was not one of our previous suggestions, it was not one of the ideas we had seen online, it just came from him. We all stared at him and said "That's it! A Wii controller!" A huge grin spread across his face and he was finally excited!

Ryan loved painting it. Then we found a Wii remote candy dispenser and took it apart for the buttons. He super glued them on and used a toothpick to paint "Wii" at the bottom. Nice job Ry!

Here is Ryan winning one of his heats.

Our boys placed 8th and 10th out of about 25 cars. Not bad. And we had a fun family night hanging out at the race track.


Helen said...

What an awesome idea. Love the Wii remote.

rebecca said...

Both of them are so cute! I think it's great the focus was creativity instead of "winning". (As you have seen, members of my family embrace mini-vans and zambonis over aerodynamics. :))

Ron & Charlene Hansen said...

Great Jobs Ryan and Blake...Papa and I had such a Great time being with all of you. Your designs were Great!! Good Job on earning your merit badges. Keep up the good work!! Love Papa and Nana H.

Maggie said...

Now those are my kind of pinewood cars. I LOVE those. Great job boys!!! Who cares about speed...I love seeing what creative things the boys can come up with. My boys are going to love seeing those cars.

nikki said...

Very cool and creative cars!

Beccarigg said...

The wii remote car has to be the coolest pinewoood derby car ever! I totally remember my brother agonizing over the design of his derby cars too. It always seems to be worth it in the end. They both did a great job!

Monica said...

I've seen many, but those are undeniably the best derby cars I have ever seen! Very cool!

Laura said...

Awesome job!