Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Darren!

Darren turned 12, which means one more year til my baby is officially a teenager! YIKES!!
Poor Darren didn't get to open any presents this year until the day AFTER his birthday when Dad could be home from work. What torture! It was worth the wait though. He was so excited to get the additional gear he needed to be ready for an airsoft war at Jericho. Here he is decked out in his new camos, tactical vest, helmet, face mask,etc.

And here was his I-pod cake.

The following week, he and his friend Adam went to Jericho, an airsoft place where they get put on teams and play games or rounds for as long as you want to be there. This kid was in HEAVEN! It was like a dream come true for him. For mom, not so much!

Nana & Papa, Grammy & Bob came over the next weekend to celebrate with Darren and be there for the most important part of turning 12, receiving the Aaronic Priesthood! He now is in Young Mens and passes the sacrament. I am so proud of Darren and the young man he has become!


Emily said...

He is going to be an Army guy when he grows up, watch!!! I am still sooo sad we didn't come up that weekend. Happy B-day Darren!!!

CinnaPatty said...

Hey, that's the exact same cake I made for Jaeden last year! Too funny.

Helen said...

How fun. It was so cool to see him at YM/YW the other week!

Beccarigg said...

Wow! That Jericho place looks intense! You're such an awesome mom to let him go there and get all decked out in cool gear. And I LOVE the iPod cake! Such a cute idea!