Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sweet Baby Gwen


This is my new niece, Gwen. Jason's sister Emily is the proud new mama. Allison LOVES hugging and kissing her new girl cousin. She can't wait til Gwen's big enough to run around Nana & Papa's house with her. I love new little babies! What an amazing gift from Heavenly Father! Isn't she beautiful?
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rebecca said...

Hello Gwen. New babies . . . sigh. There's noting like them. Just tiny little gifts from Heaven, truly. Congrats to your family.

Emily said...

Those are some cute photos. I better get some copies of those. Thank you for coming and visiting us. We enjoy seeing you guys!

Maggie said...

She is so cute. Tell Emily congrats from us.

Kate said...

Yea for new nieces! Can you even believe that Allison is the bigger cousin now? My boys looked like giants compared to their new baby cousins.